Tuesday, November 9, 2021

The Wave

Have you ever felt like your life was an ocean? And you the surfer? The events that occur are the waves large and small that carry you forwards and backwards through time.  The waves eventually coming closer and closer to this place in the future; not coming towards a final destination but a place that is your ideal place in your life, a dream place.  Eventually you will stop riding those waves and get to that place where you can enjoy other types of adventures far less dangerous and uncertain as the ocean.  You just have to ride the waves long enough to land on the beach.

I’m pretty sure my life, from my obvious perspective, is a tsunami. And I’m not peacefully ebbing and flowing, rising and falling, but thrashing and crashing and clinging to my board as I am thrown by gusts of wind repeatedly from one white cap to the next while trying to kick my feet frantically in the water to propel myself out of the storm. And all the while, I’m not letting go of the board.

Is this just me? Anyone else?